Monday, June 2, 2008

Winding Down

Good morning,

So, I seem to have spoken too soon, as I was downtown in Daegu this weekend and saw a medium-ish protest/march against US beef and the Korean President, Lee Myung-bak. This was held in response to beef imports from America being approved a few days ago. There's nothing that Korea can actually do about it, it's going to happen anyways.

Besides this, I spent most of my weekend downtown hanging out with friends who came in from out of town. It was nice to catch up and show people around Daegu.

I now have less than 50 days left in the country. I'll be going up to Seoul this weekend for help proctor a CFA exam (I get paid). Other than that, nothing really new- just trying to keep teaching.

However, as it is nearing the end of this year it is natural to reflect upon my experience here and many ETAs are asking these types of questions. So, future blogging will be geared toward looking back upon the year.


P.S. Some pics from the bigbang concert last week can be seen under Daegu. Nothing from the concert, since you couldn't take your camera into the concert.

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