Monday, March 10, 2008

First Week

Hi everyone,

Last week was the first week of school and thankfully it got a lot better from my last post. I finally got a schedule- a pretty good one that allows me Mondays off and classes pretty much back to back, so not too many breaks in between. Between all the national holidays and test days I have a few long vacations and I'm excited to be able to travel and get around this Spring.

My new kids are great. I don't think they'll be lots of problems and I am just tweaking and fine tuning lessons from last semester- so not a lot of prep. I'll prob need to create a few new lessons, but nothing major.

In my free time, I started a yoga class, which I really enjoy. I also found the bouldering gym yesterday and will go once a week and maybe on a weekend sometime. I've been trying to study some Korean on my own and have been meeting with different people to practice my conversation.

So, all in all things are going well.

me ^^

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