Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Okay, I'm really back...

Hi everyone,

Sorry, I haven't been very timely with the updates recently. However, I am back from Seoul (I'm in Daegu), so that should put me on a regular schedule once again. I still have about two weeks of freedom before school and I actually decided the other day that I am going to apply to a graduate school program. Which means I have a lot of work to do in these next two weeks.

I am applying for the Partners in Education program through CU Boulder (same as my undergrad). The program is good because I will be earning my masters and teaching (they partner me with a local school district). I hope that I can get accepted into the program because I am very excited to go back to teaching in the states.

The decision to apply is really because I miss teaching social studies and figure that if I'm going to go back and teach eventually, why shouldn't I just do it next year? I still really like Korea, but do want to do something new next year. I feel like if I stay here another year, it will just be more of the same. I'm also excited to get back into a classroom and learn. :)

I'll post more next week,

me ^^

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